Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Journey, Even If It Is Small

Each year everyone makes a New Year's Resolution to do better, feel better, exercise more, lose weight, try a new fab or even travel. But most make the resolution to lose weight and go to the gym more. Gym passes are bought, tennis shoes are sold, and with exercise clothing on that was sitting in their drawers from last year's resolution they trek their way to the gym.

I have even made these resolutions, even though no gym pass was bought. But there was a lot of salads, pills and diet plans purchased over the years. I am what you call a "yo yo dieter". Yes, I will admit it and am not shamed to, but the part I am shamed to admit it is the fact that after each and every plan I was so close to getting to my goal, but got tired of all the rules and plans and gave up. I didn't care anymore when I would reach this point so I would go right back to my bad habits and gain the weight back as I always have.

When I was in high school I ran on the Cross Country Team JV. I loved being on that team and looked forward to being there everyday. It was something else I did throughout High School besides my Music. After High School I quit running, but would delve in walking and Yoga from time to time. I have never actually felt the need to run again, even after my senior year when I injured both of my knees due to a race against another school on their course. Since then I have had problems, but keep them retained with braces and ice when they do hurt.

Last year a run came to town that I had heard about. The Color Run, where you get plastered with colored chalk that is ground up into powder the whole un-timed race. I felt the rush of running again, but in a fun way and was so excited when the race came to town, even during the actual event. I have been thinking on it lately and finally found that it was coming back to my town. Even with another fun run that is coming back at an earlier time. I told myself that I would train for a 5k and be able to run the whole thing instead of walking, but it got me thinking on myself.

After some discussion with my husband and voicing some of my opinions he said that maybe I was afraid of failure. That you don't want to try anything because you are afraid. So you need to do this for you, not for me. I also thought about what happens after I reach my goal. What next? Do I just stop? What do I do? This has been a big fear for me. But my husband said that you just keep going. Find another race, train for something new. So..........

This year, with the support of my husband, I am going to run again like I had in high school for our Cross Country Team. My best 5k time was 23:55 and I intend to get to that time, if not a better one. With that as well I am training for a 10k, which after I will train for a 1/2 Marathon, neither of which I have ever run before. I will race this year in 2 5k's (which are just for fun), 1 10k & 1 1/2 Marathon.

Next year in 2015 I will run my very first Marathon! I have even been thinking of doing a Triathlon, but that is still in the processes of my brain.

So even if it is a small journey, I have decided with my husband that I need to do this for me once and for all. Something that even I have felt and still feel now that needs to be accomplished to have a great year, something that I can say with my heart that I have done with great pride and accomplishment and a great chapter in my life.


  1. I agree. You should do this, you loved running in high school, and doing the color run last year was a blast, and seeing you so excited about it made me excited. I haven't seen you excited about running of any kind since the first time you put on your braces. I'm proud of you fit seeing this goal, you're a great runner and you'll do great :-)

    1. Awwww, thank you sum sum! Running again will be great! You still on for the color run?? :)
