Tuesday, February 2, 2016

My Journey of Running Update

My running adventure was suppose to start with a bang in the year 2014. I had a plan to run many races in my life during that year and keep going after that to make myself stronger and look so much better.
Well, needless to say that failed miserably.

2014 I stopped trying to do what I had planned to do because I simply didn't want to do it. I felt that I was very overweight, though not that overweight and I was too lazy to get up and go to the gym to run or even go outside to do so.

It seemed as if it was a chore! And you all know how much we dislike chores!

2014 was a year of no running. The only thing I ran was the Color Run with my family and that was it.

2015 wasn't any better! It was a very ruff year for me when it came to personal health physically and mentally and also family problems that line the list as far as the eye can see.


In order to reach my running goals I have signed up for my very first Half Marathon in Lake Powell. I have some time to train before the race day, but I thought if I sign up for something I can/have to run it. By forcing myself to do so, I can accomplish anything that I want to.

And just maybe, I might try and keep my goal of running a race every month to up the score for me.

I feel better mentally with myself and even my weight. Just by dieting alone I have lost 20 lbs. I hope that now with this determination I can put it together in my running skills.

Wish me luck, and keep cheering for me!
