Tuesday, February 2, 2016

My Journey of Running Update

My running adventure was suppose to start with a bang in the year 2014. I had a plan to run many races in my life during that year and keep going after that to make myself stronger and look so much better.
Well, needless to say that failed miserably.

2014 I stopped trying to do what I had planned to do because I simply didn't want to do it. I felt that I was very overweight, though not that overweight and I was too lazy to get up and go to the gym to run or even go outside to do so.

It seemed as if it was a chore! And you all know how much we dislike chores!

2014 was a year of no running. The only thing I ran was the Color Run with my family and that was it.

2015 wasn't any better! It was a very ruff year for me when it came to personal health physically and mentally and also family problems that line the list as far as the eye can see.


In order to reach my running goals I have signed up for my very first Half Marathon in Lake Powell. I have some time to train before the race day, but I thought if I sign up for something I can/have to run it. By forcing myself to do so, I can accomplish anything that I want to.

And just maybe, I might try and keep my goal of running a race every month to up the score for me.

I feel better mentally with myself and even my weight. Just by dieting alone I have lost 20 lbs. I hope that now with this determination I can put it together in my running skills.

Wish me luck, and keep cheering for me!


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Allergies and Living

Having allergies is sometimes not a bad thing. Nor is it a big deal to some people as they might have minimal allergies or maybe just one. To others, their allergies are severe enough that it effects their daily life. Everything they do, everyone the encounter is a threat to their being. For our family its a choice of 'what is in that food?!'.

I have seasonal allergies, and allergic to only one medication. My list isn't long and I really don't have to worry unless I am at a hospital. As for my husband, his allergies are on a list a mile long. Anywhere from medical, to seasonal, to food, it is a wonder that he is still living and can eat anything!

We recently had an unexpected hospital visit in September for my Husband. We were there for about a week with a bad case of Ecol-I. When talking with the nurses, doctors and staff, we had to make sure that they knew that he had food allergies which part of it included eggs. He cannot have certain shots as they do have egg synthetics in them. We had to keep reminding them over and over and over again so that he would not die from just a tiny mistake because of his allergic reactions. After we got home it was more of making sure that hands were washed, and making sure he was handling things properly as we are not sure of where his Ecol-I came from.

While we were in the hospital, it was a huge wake up call for me how severe his allergies were. It was a huge brick being thrown in my face, knocking me to the ground. When we were first married, I knew what he was allergic to and we adjusted our life so that he would eat and stay as healthy as he could without eating healthy. Since then it has become a habit for us, reminding myself some days of what is going on. To help you understand a little more, my husband's food allergies are severe enough that everything from fresh fruits to fresh vegetables, to nuts and eggs, and even soy, he cannot eat it. He pulls lettuce off of burgers at an eating place, tomatoes he gives to me to eat. We have to make sure that his eggs are cooked all the way through before he digs in to them. Any type of veggie that we have to cook or steam until soft and squishy before taking a bite. Yes, it is that bad.

 We don't know what effects these food allergies or why they even come on. It could be a specific type of gene that is passed from one generation to the next. There is now more advanced testing that is being done to pinpoint this type of gene to help with future generations. I am hoping we can pinpoint something down for when we have kids. 

Not everyone can eat healthy according to the food pyramid or the new fab diet that everyone goes on. Until you live it or witness it, no one is ever concerned with the fact of food allergies. If they do hear the word food allergies, they judge. They think that you don't like that certain type of food, or that you are a very picky eater. They don't get that even after we tell them that it could kill him, the put their nose up and think that you are trying to get out of it.

Eating healthy & eating not to kill you have brought so many different things to light.

I hope one day that they will find a way to make the allergies go away. But for now, we will keep on living, making sure that food is cooked, checking ingredients, still praying that our children don't end up with the food allergy. We will keep going to doctors appointments, getting scopes done, and picking out certain foods.

I never thought that one day, food would be such a major part of mine and my husband's life.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Journey, Even If It Is Small

Each year everyone makes a New Year's Resolution to do better, feel better, exercise more, lose weight, try a new fab or even travel. But most make the resolution to lose weight and go to the gym more. Gym passes are bought, tennis shoes are sold, and with exercise clothing on that was sitting in their drawers from last year's resolution they trek their way to the gym.

I have even made these resolutions, even though no gym pass was bought. But there was a lot of salads, pills and diet plans purchased over the years. I am what you call a "yo yo dieter". Yes, I will admit it and am not shamed to, but the part I am shamed to admit it is the fact that after each and every plan I was so close to getting to my goal, but got tired of all the rules and plans and gave up. I didn't care anymore when I would reach this point so I would go right back to my bad habits and gain the weight back as I always have.

When I was in high school I ran on the Cross Country Team JV. I loved being on that team and looked forward to being there everyday. It was something else I did throughout High School besides my Music. After High School I quit running, but would delve in walking and Yoga from time to time. I have never actually felt the need to run again, even after my senior year when I injured both of my knees due to a race against another school on their course. Since then I have had problems, but keep them retained with braces and ice when they do hurt.

Last year a run came to town that I had heard about. The Color Run, where you get plastered with colored chalk that is ground up into powder the whole un-timed race. I felt the rush of running again, but in a fun way and was so excited when the race came to town, even during the actual event. I have been thinking on it lately and finally found that it was coming back to my town. Even with another fun run that is coming back at an earlier time. I told myself that I would train for a 5k and be able to run the whole thing instead of walking, but it got me thinking on myself.

After some discussion with my husband and voicing some of my opinions he said that maybe I was afraid of failure. That you don't want to try anything because you are afraid. So you need to do this for you, not for me. I also thought about what happens after I reach my goal. What next? Do I just stop? What do I do? This has been a big fear for me. But my husband said that you just keep going. Find another race, train for something new. So..........

This year, with the support of my husband, I am going to run again like I had in high school for our Cross Country Team. My best 5k time was 23:55 and I intend to get to that time, if not a better one. With that as well I am training for a 10k, which after I will train for a 1/2 Marathon, neither of which I have ever run before. I will race this year in 2 5k's (which are just for fun), 1 10k & 1 1/2 Marathon.

Next year in 2015 I will run my very first Marathon! I have even been thinking of doing a Triathlon, but that is still in the processes of my brain.

So even if it is a small journey, I have decided with my husband that I need to do this for me once and for all. Something that even I have felt and still feel now that needs to be accomplished to have a great year, something that I can say with my heart that I have done with great pride and accomplishment and a great chapter in my life.

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Business Venture

Well, we have been talking about this for a little while as one of the dreams that Ryan wants to do. And that is create his own woodworking business. His first big project just started! So this whole thing is already started to go. I am kind of nervous for this venture, but also at the same time very very excited! Ryan of course is all gung ho and ready to go!
This next year we are going to apply for a business license and get all of the paperwork done in order to be 'official'. With me going to school for business I am hoping to be more of the helpful person here and make sure all of his books are in order, taxes and everything else. We are excited to start. And I hope that everything goes well, even with our bad days.

His Business is called "Cobbley's Custom Woodworking" or "CCW" for short. He can make anything and everything, of course with in reason. He is such a talented woodworker, and I know that sounds biased with me being the wife. But wow, he does some amazing work! The ideas that he comes up with and puts them all together to create a beautiful piece is amazing in itself! I cannot wait to see what else comes his way for this adventure. 

All the wood for the big project!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Our First Time!

Hello! We are the Cobbley's! This will be our very first time blogging, so we will see how this goes!

My name is Sonee, my husband is Ryan. I will probably be the one in charge of this for most if not all the time. We live here in Magna, UT with our own house and a vehicle for each of us. Right now we both work, I am going to school. My degree is Business, General at SLCC. Ryan has already graduated from Snow College with a couple degrees in construction and woodworking. His most favorite part is the woodworking. Everyday we are busy with life and what it brings with it. We love our weekends as we get to spend the most time with each other, especially Sunday! Those are our really lazy days. :) A few of the things that we like to do is make breakfast together on our lazy days, hang out with friends on the weekends, go 4 wheeling up in the mountains and just be together.

For those of you who don't know I tell you how we met. :)

          We both went to Snow College the year after we graduated high school in 2008. My roommate Megan, met one of his friends that he had made through a class. One night she dragged me up to the guys apartment to hang out and I took one look at him and was instantly scared! Just by the look on his face it was 'if you mess with me, your screwed!'. After hanging out there for awhile it got better and I was able to joke with him and what not. Well, the hanging out became more frequent, as I would be up there almost every night that semester and the next. Well at first I kind of liked him, but it wasn't a really big like like. He actually liked my roommate and tried to go out with her. I really could have cared less, because I was focused on another guy that had hung out there. Anyways, during the 3rd semester I was up there every night, I thought everyone in that apartment was the absolute coolest ever!! I absolutely loved hanging out with them all and still do to this day. I ended up moving back home after the 3rd semester because of money issues, but that didn't stop me from talking to them all. Ryan and I started talking about February of 2010 just as friends like always. That May he graduated from Snow with his associate degrees. In June we started dating, he would come down to my parents house and stay over the weekends and we would just go and hang out. Likewise I would go over to his parents house and we would go do stuff. On December 19, 2010 we got engaged! We were so excited to be together forever! All thanks to my Mother-in-law Karlene we planned the wedding for August 6, 2011 with a big party! And man was that a party! We had tons of food and friends, family members and just a day for us to celebrate. We had so much fun that even a year and about 2 months later people and us are still talking about it!

Rewind back a little bit to January 2011 we got a house. It was mostly for the garage for Ryan to put all his tools in so he could start doing projects and trying to get his business off the ground. The house is just a bonus as he says. :) We moved in in May 2011after cleaning and cleaning and cleaning! The couple before us smoked heavily so you could smell all the smoke from the cigarettes and just see yellow go down the walls and off the ceiling even on the carpets. We have an uber thanks to the Parents and Peg for coming over and helping us clean our house and the carpets. It was a lot of work! And in the end it payed off.

Now it is October 2012, 1 year and 2 months later we still are here, happy and so in love. <3 We have our problem days, but who doesn't. Our future right now is to get me done with school and a degree that will help me and us go for bigger and better things. Ryan is getting more and more jobs for his woodworking business. One day at a time and one job at a time. He wants to have his own business one day and be able to work from home all the time with maybe a part time job on the side. We do want kids, but that is not till later down the road. Maybe in a couple years we will start having our little ones. We just keep going day by day and love each other even more. :)

Well that's a little bit about us! As we keep going more blogs will be up along with many pictures! :D